BDRI’s reputation for success rests solidly on its ability to carry out scientific studies published in prestigious scientific journals, international conferences and workshops. Below, you can find a list of (1) scientific articles published in peer review journals and books, and (2) technical reports and press articles for the lay public.
- Thibault R, Methion S, Díaz López B (2025). Fine-scale habitat selection of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in Northwest Iberian Peninsula waters. Marine Biology 172, 27.
- Neves J, Methion S, Díaz López B (2024). Relationship between skin and body condition in three species of baleen whales. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 159:99-115.
- Díaz López B, Methion S (2024). Killer whales habitat suitability in the Iberian Peninsula and the Gulf of Biscay: Implications for conservation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 255, p.107245.
- Díaz López B, Methion S (2024). Habitat use by iberian harbour porpoises: ecological and human factors. Marine Biology 171, 113.
- Pierce GJ, ..., Díaz López B, ... Methion S, et al. (2024). An endangered population of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena hidden in plain sight: biology, ecology and conservation of the Iberian porpoise. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 62:1-119. DOI:10.1201/9781003477518-1
- Methion S, Mosca O, Díaz López B (2023). Epimeletic behavior in a free-ranging female Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus). acta ethologica 26, 121-125.
- Bridge C, Methion S, Díaz López B (2023). The impact of anthropogenic pollutants on the distribution of a marine top predator within a coastal estuarine system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195, 898.
- Methion S, Giralt Paradell O, Padín XA, Corrège T, Díaz López B (2023). Group size varies with climate and oceanographic conditions in bottlenose dolphins. Marine Biology 170:7.
- Gnone G, Bellingeri M, Airoldi S, Gonzalvo J, David L, Di-Méglio N, ... Díaz López B et al. (2023). Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: Encounter rate, dominant species, and diversity hotspots. Diversity 15(3):321.
- Bland R, Methion S, Sharp SP, Díaz López B (2022). Assessing variability in marine traffic exposure between baleen whale species off the Galician Coast, Spain. Marine Pollution Bulletin 186:114439.
- Díaz López B (2022). Context-dependent and seasonal fluctuation in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) vocalizations. Animal Cognition.
- Mohsenian N, Methion S, Moshiri H, Hassan SK, Afkhami S, Tollab MA, Sadeh M, Braulik GT, Díaz López B (2022). Abundance estimation, group dynamics, and residence patterns of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in the Dayer-Nakhiloo Marine National Park, Northern Persian Gulf, Iran. European Journal of Wildlife Research 68(2):1-1.
- Gnone G, Bellingeri M, Molinari Y, Dhermain F, Labach H, Díaz López B et al. (2022). The seabed makes the dolphins: physiographic features shape the size and structure of the bottlenose dolphin geographical units. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10:1036.
- Díaz López B, Methion S, Das H, Bugla I, Al Hameli M, Al Ameri H, Al Hashmi A, Grandcourt E (2021). Vulnerability of a top marine predator in one of the world’s most impacted marine environments (Arabian Gulf). Marine Biology 168(7):112
- Methion S, Díaz López B (2021). Spatial segregation and interspecific killing of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Acta Ethologica 24, 95-106. 10.1007/s10211-021-00363-0
- Giralt Paradell O, Methion S, Rogan E, Díaz López B (2021). Modelling ecosystem dynamics to assess the effect of coastal fisheries on cetacean species. Journal of Environmental Management 265 (112175)
- Rabaoui L, Roa-Ureta RH, Yacoubi L, Lin YJ, Maneja R, Joydas TV, Panickan P, Gopalan J, Loughland R, Prihartato PK, Qassem A, Hikmawan TI, Díaz López B, Qurban MA (2021). Diversity, distribution, and density of marine mammals along the Saudi waters of the Arabian Gulf: update from a multi-method approach. Frontiers in Marine Science (1061) doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.687445
- Díaz López B (2020). When personality matters: personality and social structure in wild bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Animal Behaviour 163,73-84.
- Giralt Paradell O, Díaz López B, Methion S, Rogan E (2020). Food-web interactions in a coastal ecosystem influenced by upwelling and terrestrial runoff off North-West Spain. Marine Environmental Research 157:104933. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104933
- Methion S, Díaz López B (2020). Individual foraging variation drives social organization in bottlenose dolphins. Behavioral Ecology 31(1):97-106. DOI:10.1093/beheco/arz160
- Braulik G, Atkins S, Bouveroux T, Caputo M, Cerchio S, Collins T, Conry D, Díaz López B, Dines S, Elwen S, Grodley T, James B, Jog K, Hörbst S, Kiszka J, Methion S, Mohsenian N, Moshiri H, Mwang’ombe M, Penry G, Pérez-Jorge S, Plön S, Thornton M, Vargas-Fonseca OA, Vermeulen E, Dulau V, Minton G, Blount D (2020). Development of flukebook automated photo-ID matching capability for the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin, Sousa plumbea. International whaling commission, SC/68B/SM/05rev01.
- Methion S, Díaz López B (2019). First record of atypical pigmentation pattern in fin whale Balaenoptera physalus in the Atlantic Ocean. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 135:121125. DOI: 10.3354/dao03385
- Giralt Paradell O, Díaz López B, Methion S (2019). Modelling common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) coastal distribution and habitat use: insights for conservation. Ocean and Coastal Management. DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104836
- Methion S, Díaz López B (2019). Natural and anthropogenic drivers of foraging behaviour in bottlenose dolphins: influence of shellfish aquaculture. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3116.
- Díaz López B, Methion S (2019). Habitat drivers of endangered rorqual whales in a highly impacted upwelling region. Ecological Indicators, 103: 610–616. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.038
- Díaz López B, Methion S, Giralt Paradell O (2019). Living on the edge: Overlap between a marine predator’s habitat use and fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic waters (NW Spain). Progress in Oceanography, 175:115–223.
- Díaz López B (2018). "Hot deals at sea": responses of a top predator (Bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus) to human-induced changes in the coastal ecosystem. Behavioural Ecology. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/ary162
- Methion S, Díaz López B (2018). Abundance and demographic parameters of bottlenose dolphins in a highly affected coastal ecosystem. Marine and Freshwater Research.
- Díaz López B, Methion S (2018). Does interspecific competition drive patterns of habitat use and relative density in harbour porpoises? Marine Biology 165:92.
- Díaz López B, López A, Methion S, Covelo P (2018). Infanticide attacks and associated epimeletic behaviour in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0025315417001266
- Díaz López B, Grandcourt E, Methion S, Das H, Bugla I, Al Hameli M, Al Hameri H, Abdulla M, Al Blooshi A, Al Dhaheri S (2018). The distribution, abundance and group dynamics of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0025315417001205
- Díaz López B, Methion S (2017). The impact of shellfish farming on common bottlenose dolphins’ use of habitat. Marine Biology 164:83.
- Díaz López B (2017). Temporal variability of predator presence around a fin fish farm in the North-western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology 38(1), e12378.
- Díaz López B, Addis A, Fabiano F (2013). Ecology of bottlenose dolphins along the north-western Sardinian coastal waters (Italy). Thalassas 29 (2): 35-44.
Díaz López B (2012). Bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture: interaction and site fidelity on the north-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy). Marine Biology 159 (10): 2161 - 2172. DOI 10.1007/s00227-012-2002-x.
- Díaz López B (2012). Estudio eco-etológico de una población de delfín mular, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821) en la costa nordeste de Cerdeña, Italia. AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG Ed. ISBN: 978-3-8473-5999-9, 108pp.
- Díaz López B, Mariño F (2011). A trial of acoustic harrasment device efficacy on free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in Sardinia, Italy. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 44 (4): 197-208. DOI:10.1080/10236244.2011.618216.
- Díaz López B (2011). Aquaculture systems. In: Handbook of Models used in Ecosystem and Environmental Management, Sven Erik Jørgensen (Ed.), Copenhagen University, Denmark. Pp 241-257.
- Díaz López B (2011). Whistle characteristics in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean Sea: influence of behaviour. Mammalian Biology 76: 180-189.
- Díaz López B, Shirai JAB (2010). Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin's repertoire and communication use. In: Dolphins: Anatomy, Behavior, and Threats, (A.G. Pierce & L. Correa Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York. Pp 129 -148.
- Díaz López B (2009). The bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus foraging around a fish farm: Effects of prey abundance on dolphins' behaviour. Current Zoology 55(4):243-248.
- Díaz López B, Bunke M, Shirai JAB (2008). Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212: 292-303.
- Díaz López B, Shirai JA (2008). Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62 (6): 887-894.
- Díaz López B, Shirai JAB, Bilbao Prieto A, Méndez Fernández P (2008). Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal Marine Biological Association of U.K 88, Special Issue 06: 1153-1157.
- Díaz López B, Bernal Shirai JAB (2007). "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the north-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of Marine Biological Association of U.K 87: 113 – 117.
- Díaz López B (2006). "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32 (3): 305 – 310.
- Díaz López B (2006). "Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951.
- Díaz López B, Bernal Shirai JA (2006). "Estudio multiescalar de la influencia de la acuicultura en la presencia de delfines mulares Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821)". CIVA, (on CD-rom): 282 – 290.
- Díaz López B, Marini L, Polo F (2005). The Impact of a fish farm on a Bottlenose dolphin population in the Mediterranean Sea. Thalassas 21(1):53-58.
- Díaz López B (2005). Interactions between bottlenose dolphins with trammel nets in the Sardinia Island. ICES Document CM 2005 / X: 01, 12pp.
- Díaz López B (2005). Interaction between bottlenose dolphins and fish farms: could there be an economic impact? ICES Document CM 2005/X:10, 16pp.
- Díaz López B, Mussi B, Miragliuolo A, Chiota D, Valerio L (2000). Respiration patterns of fin whales off Ischia, Archipelago Campano, Mediterranean Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 14, 125-129.
- Mussi B, Miragliuolo A, Monzini E, Díaz López B, Battaglia M (1999). Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) feeding ground in the coastal waters of Ischia (Archipelago Campano). European Research on Cetaceans 13, 330-335.
2. Technical reports and press article for the lay public:
- Díaz López B, Methion S, Giralt Paradell O, Mosca O. 2022. Proyecto BALAENATUR II: ballenas azules y cambio climático dentro de la red Natura 2000. Technical report - Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute, O Grove, 36p.
- Díaz López B, Methion S, Giralt Paradell O, Mosca O. 2021. Proyecto BALAENATUR: seguimiento del rorcual azul en la red Natura 2000. Technical report - Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute, O Grove, 44p.
- Díaz López B, Methion S. 2020. Abundance estimate, distribution and use of habitat of dolphin species in Abu-Dhabi waters in 2019. Final report - Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, EA. October 2020. 50pp.
- Díaz López B, Methion S. 2017. Abundance estimate, distribution and use of habitat of dolphin species in Abu-Dhabi waters in 2017. Final report - Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, EA. November 2017. 90pp.
- Díaz López B, 2017. Mexillóns e golfiños: unha convivencia en harmonía. Boletín do consello regulador da denominación de orixe protexida mexillón de Galicia 20: 4 -5.
- Díaz López B, Methion, S. 2016. Abundance estimate, distribution, and use of habitat of dolphin species in Abu Dhabi waters: years 2014-2015. Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi, UAE. 148pp.
- Díaz López B. 2015. Abundance estimate, distribution, and use of habitat of dolphin species in Abu Dhabi waters: year 2014. Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi, UAE. 148pp.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2012. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2011. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2010. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2009. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2008. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2007. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
- Fortuna M, Bearzi, G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A., Butti C., Corsolini S., Cozzi, B., Díaz López B., et al., 2006. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research. International Whale Commission IWC C/Progress Report Italy.
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